Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Being a Communication Major

When you are in your late teens, people begin to bombard you with questions about your future. "Where are you going to college?" "What do you want to do with your life?" "What are you going to study?"  I've always just wanted to whip out a magic 8 ball, throw it at their face and say, "odds are, I'm just going with that thing."  But now in my junior year, in my early twenties I've realized that I have the perfect cloak to these questions "I am a Communication major".  This way, I have something to say, but in all honesty have no idea what I'm doing with my life.  One of my best friends from high school put it the best way I have ever heard.  "I know nothing, but I am really good at telling you that I know nothing." But then comes the inevitable question that is apparently coupled with your 20th birthday.  "What are you going to do with your degree?  What do you want to do with the rest of your life?"  And before I reach for the magic 8 ball I just think Ha!  Joke's on you!  Who knows if I'm ever actually getting a degree?  I'm probably just going to be stuck in college purgatory for the rest of my life.  and Secondly I think; well, I want to just lay around in a mansion eating cookie dough for the rest of my life, but I do have other options like "trophy wife" and "professional s'mores taster".  But we all know what they want to hear, a professional answer that does not allow be to be in a snuggie 80% of the time.  I usually mumble something about working in PR (public relations) or an administrative assistant in a non-profit organization.  But in all honestly, I have no idea what either of those things entail, and I am somewhere between 85-97% sure I want nothing to do with either of them.   My major lies somewhere between "undeclared" and "oh crap, I need a major".  And the best part is I am a Communication Studies major.  My concentration is almost literally in apathy.  And my minor... anthropology, what's that? you may ask... hell if I know.  But I do know that I am half way done with both, and I'm just about as confused as I started.  Here are my confessions of a Communication Major. 

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